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The Juicer

This uses the Bull Market/Sucker Rounds combo to get out cheap big hitters, preferably with bonus abilities such as Ambush or Stealth.
By José Garcia

Total cards: 65
Primary role: Multiplayer
Cards by set and rarity (R/U/C)
Main Set: 9/4/36
Netherworld: 0/5/6
Flashpoint: 0/2/3
3 Pledged5 Test Subjects
5 Student of the Bear
Hitters/Utility Characters:
3 Gruff Lieutenant4 Midnight Whisperer
1 Phillippe Benoit3 Arcanotechnicians
1 Adrienne Hart*
5 Bull Market5 Sucker Rounds
1 Suicide Mission2 Nerve Gas
2 Mole Network1 Expendable Unit
4 Shadowy Mentor1 Neutron Bomb
2 MegaTank
Feng Shui:
4 Perpetual Motion Machine3 City Park
3 Inner Sanctum1 Pinball Hall
1 Rust Garden1 Fox Pass
Other Sites:
4 Family Estate

* Adrienne can be replaced by any good hitter for either faction: José listed CHAR and Shinobu Yashida as other possibilities.

There were no comments included with the deck design, so here is my brief summary of how this works.

The general idea here is to use Bull Market to generate power for yourself along with your opponents. Capitalize on this by playing Sucker Rounds on a character- he should get huge when the player to your left can't spend the glut of power he has been given. The Gruff Lieutenants have stealth, and can be played for free with Family Estates. You'll have to pay for the Whisperers, but their ambush is really nice when they get big.

Some timing is usually required to play the Bull Markets properly. There are two times when this is most advantageous:

The rest is pretty straightforward. Arcanotechnicians recycle the Bull Markets. There are Shadowy Mentors so that you can steal the characters your opponents play with their free power. The MegaTanks are there to play in response to Architect denial played by your opponents, and the usual other denial is also present.

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©1997-2000, Tony Hafner